Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Activities & Interests

In no more than 500 words, tell me about the activities and interests which you believe best represent the values and beliefs you hold strongly to.

My activities and interests lie both indoors and outdoors. A quick list of my favourities is: jogging, cycling, computing, reading and swimming. I believe strongly in balance and moderation in things we do and my choices of activities surely exhibit much of this. Indoor interests bring about another value I trust in - keeping updated with the world.

Firstly, I shall with the great outdoors. Unlike most boys my age who will find interest in ball games such as basketball, soccer, tennis, badminton... (list goes on), I chose less impressive sports but when practiced together give a complete workout for the body. Cycling trains the thigh muscles but it doesn't stop there. The activity reigns the furthest outdoors since you don't get too tired out in short distances. Personally, I feel it gives the best chance for one to connect back to nature by riding out to the less urbanized areas of the country. Places such as Lim Chu Kang are perfect to enjoy a peaceful ride and escape from the hustle of the city. This sport certainly fits the bill to balance our rushed urban lives with a slower natural breakaway.

Jogging will strike the balance for the upper thigh by working out the lower calf muscles. And swimming needless to say, will work the upper body thoroughly with an array of strokes that can be used. These three sports distributed aptly in our free time will keep the body healthy whilst we make our way through our daily more indoor-inclined lives.

Following the outdoors, my indoor interests are certainly expectable but not any bit mundane. When I say computing, to many, it would be gaming but for me, I don’t use the computer as such. Computers give me the freedom to explore information as well as feed my perfectionist needs. In our flawed world, there can be little room for perfection. However, in the computing world, web pages and images can be created and reproduced thousands of times error-free. Utilizing designing software, I can make pixel-perfect art and at the same time see others’ creations.

This current world we live in is no longer like the past. We have more questions about the world but at the same time, we have more sources to obtain answers. Computers open doors to another kind of psychological “outdoor” that improves our inner thoughts and feelings about the issues. Reading as an interest fuels the engine to keep ourselves connected with the rest of the world. As much as we have more accessible sources but if we do not understand or accept them, they have no value in keeping us with times.

In conclusion, to balance of interests physiologically and psychologically, I chose these activities. I do not close doors to other possibilities too, an open mind is but necessary to keep updated. Perfectionism may seem bleak as a value but when appropriately exercised, it drives us to do our very best. Without it, other beliefs and values do not stand strong.

500 words


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