Sunday, November 13, 2005


a blog for you to write politically sensible things that people will read and flame about. Yes, this is the new General Paper blog brought to you by Chee Kong who loves to blog so much that he'll actually devote an entire blog to write about stuffs related to GP... ... Like you would believe!

Fortunately or unfortunately, this is NOT self-directed. Mr Ong, our new "invisible" GP teacher has initiated/enforced/promote/encourage/you-simply-have-to-do this. Fair enough, this shouldn't be much of a hassle; I love writing English or English-Singlish hybrids.

Yeah!!! I love such intriguing ways of submitting assignments! Can we blog our compositions here? Like the one on why Chicken Little saw the sky falling and still did the super cool dance "Dragostea din tei", or the one on why the auntie at the coffee shop still uses tissue paper to "chope" (aka reserve) her seats.

Ok, I'm crapping again. I can't believe I'll now be graded for talking to myself. But then again, just the sudden realisation of how cool it'll be, makes me want to write. I mean this is the kind of blog you won't have to worry about not having anything to write! In fact, I can tell you now the next topic is, "In no more than 500 words, tell me about the activities and interests which you believe best represent the values and beliefs you hold strongly to."

That'll come, soon.

Ace that GP Exam =)

Signing off,
Chee Kong

P.S. Hello Mr. Ong, this is a test/introductory post, I assure there won't be much non-academic writing here! They'll be safely stored in my personal life blog. Hahaha, rest assured.