Monday, March 13, 2006

WiFi networks unsecured

According to statistics given by The Straits Times, 6 out of 15 networks tested at random around Singapore were unsecured. With the small scale experiment, we probably cannot conclude comprehensively but it is worth the concern. If we were to do a nationwide test, there are chances we will get even more unsecured networks.

It is worth the concern because of the possible implications. Just one unsecured network could give some 150 other users (theoretically judging from network limits of wireless routers) access to the Internet. 6 could give rise easily to 900 users logged onto the Internet! And the problem lies in the user's anonymity. As long as there are unsecured networks, there will be chances of abuse. Therefore, the magnitude of the unsecured networks is not the case since every one of them pose serious dangers to the owners of the networks.

To reiterate, someone could do something extremely illegal and leave no tracks of themselves but all the owner's information. And when traced, we have much to deal with. Futhermore, internal hacking could take place when these unscrupulous users can steal private information belonging to the network. Certainly, it is not an exaggeration to liken leaving a network unsecured to leaving the doors of your house opened.

The main reason why people would do so could be because of the underestimating of the possible impacts. To most, it only means a slight slowdown of their connection. That would not affect most normal users who do not actually requrie the maximum speeds of their connection perpetually. Hence, they take their network security for granted. Simply, this is to some extent ignorance.

Perhaps too little emphasis have been placed on such security issue. After all, we have only 'just' moved into the era of rampant computing and it is the first time such issues are turning up. I guess we have to wait for the Government to really employ a nationwide wireless network before we can appreciate or understand what it takes to be secured and possibly how. We surely must really learn to pay attention to such issues.


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